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Creative Drama Classes - Winter

Winter 2024

“HECKEDY PEG” is a story about seven ener- getic children, a witch, and a brave mother who must
break the witch’s spell her children are now under! What could possibly happen?! Bring to life these inter- esting characters through your acting skills. Through skits, mime, theater exercises, and a sense of humor, you’ll have fun interacting with your friends on stage!

SM High School Room #2427, enter door #34
Coed Ages 7-11, 6:00-7:00 pm
Tuesday, Nov 5, 12, 19, 26; Dec 3, 10
Activity Code, CD201.201, $40R/$50/NR

Go to our registration site. Select “Create an Account” and provide the required information. (Remember to save your login password information)

Swim Lessons, Aquatice Club, Ski & Snowboarding, and Young Rembrandt's have their own registration site.



Learn about other children—where they live, what games they play, their school and home life. How are they different and yet the same as you? So, let’s travel to AFRICA for an exciting safari adventure! AUSTRALIA to discover mysterious cave paintings and strange animals! JAPAN to attend their famous dance festival! CHINA to have fun and games! And MEXICO to join a Mexican hat dance band! Ole! You’ll do Crafts for each country!

SM High School Room #2427, enter door #34
Coed Ages 4-6, 6:00-7:00 pm
Thursday, Nov 7, 14, 21; Dec 5, 12
Activity Code, CD202.202, $40R/$50/NR

Go to our registration site. Select “Create an Account” and provide the required information. (Remember to save your login password information)

Swim Lessons, Aquatice Club, Ski & Snowboarding, and Young Rembrandt's have their own registration site.




There was a country, long ago, that lived in fear of a fire-breathing dragon!
The people were afraid and helpless until---Act out the characters and story through Creative Drama and see if there is a solution to this terrifying problem! There will be theater exercises, character development, scene work, and props and costumes for a fun acting experience!

SM High School Fitness Center Mirror Room  Enter door #24
Coed Ages: 7-11,  6:00-7:00 pm
Tuesdays: April 8, 15, 22; Thursdays: April 10, 17, 24
Activity Code, CD301.301, $40R/$50/NR

Go to our registration site. Select “Create an Account” and provide the required information. (Remember to save your login password information)

Swim Lessons, Aquatice Club, Ski & Snowboarding, and Young Rembrandt's have their own registration site.