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Red Cross Babysitting Course

Red Cross 
Babysitting Classes

Boys & Girls Ages 11-15
HS Library-enter door #24  
9:00-3:30 pm
Spring Session, Saturday, March 8
Code: RX301.301 $72R/$82NR

The class will be fun and move at a fast pace. It has many hands-on activities, including video segments, role plays, and lively discussions to help students learn child-care, first-aid, leadership, and communication skills. Bring a lunch!  

Instructor JoJo Heindenreich

Go to our registration site. Select “Create an Account” and provide the required information. (Remember to save your login password information)

Swim Lessons, Aquatice Club, Ski & Snowboarding, and Young Rembrandt's have their own registration site.
