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Terry Schmidt Memorial Basketball Tournament

Terry Schmidt was a long time coach and official for the South Milwaukee Recreation Department. Terry coached 7th and 8th grade boys and often chose his favorite team name of “Wisconsin”.  Terry’s determination to teach and present a competitive team on the court will not be forgotten. He was certified through the NYSCA as a lifetime member and was also a co-founder and original member of the now established South Milwaukee Shoot-Out Basketball Tournament and Committee.

Terry Schmidt
Memorial Basketball Tournament
Saturday, February 22  

3rd & 4th Grade
5th & 6th Grade
7th & 8th Grade 

High School Fieldhouse & Rawson Elementary School

Single Elimination Tournament


Your official roster on record at the Recreation Department will be in effect.  This tournament is limited only to those teams currently competing in the South Milwaukee Recreation Department Leagues and the Quad City 7th & 8th Grade Girls League.  Combining teams or picking up players is not permitted.  All league rules apply in this tournament including substitution.

Individual Medals will be awarded for 1st & 2nd place

Please make sure you reserve the date NOW!