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Adult Watercolor Painting
6:00-8:00 pm
Wednesday, February 5, 12, 26 & March 5
(no class Feb 19
High School Art Room #2352 - enter door #8
Code: AR219.200, $62R/$72NR
Instructor: Dalinda Galaviz
Explore the beauty of watercolor. This class is geared toward those who have yet to hold a brush in their hand or tried watercolor painting. Students will develop skills, starting with basic color mixing and basic color theory. We will progress to making small paintings, each using different techniques. *All materials will be provided.
Go to our registration site. Select “Create an Account” and provide the required information. (Remember to save your login password information)
Swim Lessons, Aquatice Club, Ski & Snowboarding, and Young Rembrandt's have their own registration site.
Adult Watercolor Painting
6:00-8:00 pm
Wednesdays, April 9. 16, 23, 30
High School Art Room #2352 - enter door #8
Code: AR318.318, $60R/$70NR
Instructor: Dalinda Galaviz
Explore the beauty of watercolor. This class is geared toward those who have yet to hold a brush in their hand or try watercolor painting. Students will develop skills, start-ing with basic color mixing and basic color theory. We will progress to making small paintings, each using different techniques. Students LOVE this class! Materials are provided.
Go to our registration site. Select “Create an Account” and provide the required information. (Remember to save your login password information)
Swim Lessons, Aquatice Club, Ski & Snowboarding, and Young Rembrandt's have their own registration site.